The ‘Citrus limon’ is the yellow fruit of the small evergreen lemon tree ( Rutaceae family). Its exactorigin is unknown but cultivation began in Italy in the 15th century. All parts of the fruit areutilized. The juice is sour (PH 2.2), however, fully digested it turns alkaline (PH 7) – reducing acidity, pain & inflammation in the body while flushing out toxins as well. Rich in vitamin C it also helps with the absorption of iron & sustains immunity.
Skinny Genes
From: 40,00 € Supports a healthy gut, slender silhouette and alkaline balance.SHOP NOW -
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From: 40,00 € Improves your digestive health and immunity.SHOP NOW -
Ginger Shot
From: 45,00 € Increases your immunity and metabolism (natural fat burner). Aids digestion and provides liver protection.SHOP NOW